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Employ The Healing Power Of Nature

Naturopathy takes a holistic approach to healthcare and employs the healing power of nature. It is a blend of ancient traditional healing arts and up to the minute scientific, evidence based findings. Both of these sources of knowledge are combined to formulate a specific treatment plan encompassing nutritional medicine, herbal medicine, supplements and lifestyle recommendations and advice.

The Six Principles of Naturopathy

Do No Harm

Target The Cause, Not The Symptoms

Healing Power Of Nature

Educate, Rather Than Medicate

Treat The Person, Not The Disease

Prevention Is Preferable

The Benefits of Naturopathy

Naturopathy is about identifying the cause of the problem.  It's about promoting true healing followed by long term prevention. This involves treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms and giving the body the tools, nutrients and herbal medicines it needs in order to heal itself.


Almost every client reports better energy levels, even when fatigue wasn’t one of the symptoms bringing them in in the first place


This is your health journey. You will know what is happening, why and how each part of your treatment plan is moving you towards your health goals. Being informed and in control of your own health, naturally is the best way to true health, happiness and vitality


There is no one size fits all with Naturopathy. Every treatment plan is different because it is tailored to you according to all of the information gathered in the extra time and care you receive when you have a naturopathic appointment


In a naturopathic appointment you get 2 to 10 times more one on one time to relax, tell your whole story, be listened to and work together to produce a set of health goals and a treatment plan that will work best for you

Prevention & Long Term Health

Rather than waiting until you have a disease which can be named and treated with medications, naturopathy is about addressing niggling changes and symptoms to put the body back on the path to true health and prevent it progressing towards a diseased state. This promotes long term health to keep you active, happy and well into your later years

Side Effects

Most pharmaceutical medications come with a warning list of possible side effects or then require you to take other medications to deal with these side effects. Natural medicine is far safer and has few, if any side effects. And when they do, they are usually just positives such as better energy, better sleep, healthier skin, a stronger immune system etc. They work with your body to produce true healing rather than just masking your symptoms
Naturopathy Consult - Part 1
$ 155
  • In-depth information gathering
  • Testing and discussion of symptoms and health history
  • Includes iridology, physical assessments, blood test result analysis and creation of your own health folder containing your results, health goals, treatment plan, and additional information as relevant to your case
  • Appointment time 60 – 90 minutes.
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Naturopathy Consult - Part 2
$ 55
  • Report of findings
  • Presentation of your treatment plan.
  • Outlining your treatment goals
  • Prescription, instructions, phases and timings.
  • Appointment time 30 – 40 minutes.
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Naturopath Consult - Follow Up
$ 78
Generally 3 appointments are required over 3 month period
  • Assessment of progress
  • Refining of treatment plan (if required)
  • Appointment time 60 – 90 minutes.
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Private Health Rebate Update

On the first of April 2019 the Australian government changed how you can claim a rebate from your private health fund for your naturopathic consult fee. The decision is currently being reviewed and we are confident it will be reversed at some point in the near future, and rebates for naturopathy eventually reinstated.
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Balm Natural Health offer a supportive, understanding, non judgemental environment as well as extra support and assistance as needed along the way between visits.

Our Beliefs

At Balm Natural Health, we are all about science, nature and offering a realistic, achievable treatment path to better health. You won’t be told to carry crystals, eat only organic, or cut out everything from your life that you love. We work with you and your circumstances. We understand not everyone can live the perfect, macrobiotic, organic Zen lifestyle of rich and famous celebrities. We prescribe realistic goals, suggestions and foods and aim to keep the cost of any necessary supplements and herbal medicines as affordable as possible. You will understand why you are taking what you are taking and how it is going to help you feel better.

Before your first naturopathy appointment

Once you have made your first appointment, you will be sent a confirmation email containing details about what to bring to your appointment and some forms and appropriate questionnaires to fill out before your appointment. These questionnaires give a very good indication as to your state of health and any suboptimal processes occurring in your body. They often cut out the need for specific pathological testing which can become expensive. However, these tests are still available if you prefer or are interested for further confirmation.

Initial Appointment - Part 1

Your first appointment takes around an hour to an hour and a half. During this time we discuss your health and symptoms in depth (both current and historic), take a photo of your iris’s, and perform other tests and measurements as necessary. This includes blood pressure, weight, and analysis of skin, nails and the tongue. Please be completely honest. We do not judge anyone for their lifestyle or food choices but need to know exactly where things stand in order to formulate the best, most appropriate and effective treatment plan. Balm Natural Health wants to obtain the best result possible for you. After the initial appointment, we take all of the information gained and spend time researching, analysing and formulating a treatment plan perfectly tailored to you. The cost of this appointment covers the extra time taken for analysis, research and creation of your unique health folder including your printed treatment plan.

Initial Appointment - Part 2

Your next appointment will occur within one week of the first appointment. During this appointment we will present our findings to you and carefully explain the treatment plan formulated for you and why each element has been included. You will receive: Your own health folder in which to keep all of your information and instructions. A clear summary of the health goals to be achieved Summarised results from all of your questionnaires and testing so you know exactly how you are doing and where your health currently stands. A summary of what we believe is going on in your body. Your comprehensive treatment plan which can be tracked to assess your progress. Comprehensive, targeted information sheets which specifically relate to you and your presentation, with easy to understand explanations plus lifestyle suggestions and hints.

Helping You Take Control Of Your Own Health, Naturally

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