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Living a healthy life, naturally

Menopause - its not the end of life as you know it

Menopause and peri-menopause, is a natural process of transition away from reproduction. The loss of ovarian female sex hormone production is necessary and is your body’s way of protecting you. Having the same levels of hormones you had in your 20’s and 30’s when you are 60+ is actually an unnecessary risk to the body.
You will be provided with a tailored treatment plan to help your body adapt to the changes, manage the symptoms and have you feeling back in control of your health again, naturally.

Do you feel like you are going crazy?

Do you feel like your hormones are taking over and ruining your life?
Are you looking for an alternative to HRT?
Did an older female relative have a hard time with menopause and you’re worried your experience will be just as bad?

FREE menopause handout

The good news is Menopause doesn’t need to be considered a change for the negative. It is not the end to life as you know it and it is not a disease requiring drugs to replace lost hormones.

Menopause and peri-menopause, is a natural process of transition away from reproduction. The loss of ovarian female sex hormone production is necessary and is your body’s way of protecting you. Having the same levels of hormones you had in your 20’s and 30’s when you are 60+ is actually an unnecessary risk to the body.

In a perfect world, menopause should be an easy transition. Unfortunately today’s lifestyles and stress levels have a massive impact, making the body highly susceptible to experiencing detrimental symptoms as it adjusts to the lowered level of circulating hormones.
Balm Natural Health will help you decipher your symptoms and how or if they can be put down to hormone changes and approaching menopause. Rebecca will provide a tailored, comprehensive plan just for you to quickly ease your symptoms and smooth the transition phase for you.

If you have not yet begun the transition, even better. Prevention is always better than cure. There is a lot you can do to prepare for menopause and minimise the chances of you having any bothersome symptoms when the time does come.

If you are already past menopause (defined as 1 full year without a period), the next step is to look at long term reduction of risks. This includes chronic and degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis and heart disease. These risks naturally increase post menopause. The good news is they are mostly preventable if you start NOW! Once again, natural medicine has the solution and Rebecca will guide you through the process of assessing and managing these risks.

Rebecca has the information you need and is keen to help you implement the necessary changes in diet and lifestyle and prescribe appropriate supplements to help you stay well, stay strong and age gracefully!
Hot flushes
Night sweats
Skin crawling sensation
Urinary changes/problems
Vaginal dryness/itching/discharge
Intercourse pain/bleeding
Lowered libido
Bloating/weight gain
Breast tenderness
Joint pain
Hair loss
Thinning skin

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Menopause Initial Consultation
$ 155
  • In-depth information gathering
  • Testing and discussion of symptoms and health history
  • Includes iridology, physical assessments, blood test result analysis and creation of your own health folder containing your results, health goals, treatment plan, and additional information as relevant to your case
  • Appointment time 60 – 90 minutes.
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Menopause Consult - Part 2
$ 55
  • Report of findings
  • Presentation of your treatment plan.
  • Outlining your treatment goals
  • Prescription, instructions, phases and timings.
  • Appointment time 30 – 40 minutes.
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Menopause Consult - Follow Up
$ 78
Generally 3 appointments are required over 3 month period
  • Assessment of progress
  • Refining of treatment plan (if required)
  • Appointment time 60 – 90 minutes.
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Private Health Rebate Update

On the first of April 2019 the Australian government changed how you can claim a rebate from your private health fund for your naturopathic consult fee. The decision is currently being reviewed and we are confident it will be reversed at some point in the near future, and rebates for naturopathy eventually reinstated.
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Free Menopause Handout


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